We selected our first cohort of four Crow Fellows in summer 2021 after publishing an RFP and screening applications from scholar-teachers at four-year institutions in the United States. Since then we’ve hosted fellows in 2022, 2023, and 2024. We’re currently hoping to continue hosting Fellows in 2026 to add a group focused on our repository.
2024 Fellows

Over the past 15 years, Mary Alpaugh has dedicated herself to instructing a range of English courses at Glendale Community College, including college readiness, reading, hybrid, and online freshman composition. She has also been actively involved in student success committees and has contributed significantly to the implementation of developmental coursework redesigns. Mary’s research focuses on Self-Regulated Strategy Development, integrated reading and writing processes, and writing assessment and practices.

Christine Davis is an Associate Teaching Professor at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona, where she lives with her husband and two children. She has taught first-year writing for the past ten years and was recently named Teacher of the Year for the College of Arts and Letters at NAU. As a first-generation student, she is particularly interested in making all levels of academia more accessible for underserved student populations. In her free time, she writes and publishes poetry.

Weena McKenzie started her professional career by serving seven years on active duty in the U.S. Air Force. Weena completed her masters in English (Comp & Rhet) at the University of Colorado in Denver and has taught Composition, Rhetorical Theory, and Intro to Research classes online since 2008 for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. A native Texan, Weena returned to school and completed an Ed.D. in educational leadership at Sam Houston State University near Houston, TX, in 2019. Weena currently serves Arizona Western College as a Professor of English, teaching primarily ENG 102.

Cynthia Martinez is an NTT Professor of English at Arizona Western College, where she teaches First Year Composition. Prior to her current position, she taught adolescent to adult English Language Learners as a public-school teacher and, as a volunteer through community programs.

Lisa Moore serves as residential faculty for the Department of English, Reading, ESL, Journalism, and Creative Writing at Glendale Community College in Glendale, Arizona. Lisa holds a bachelor of arts degree in secondary education with a concentration in English from Arizona State University (2000) and a master’s degree in English from Northern Arizona University (2007). Lisa began her teaching career as a high school English teacher in the year 2000. In 2008, she left her position in K-12 education to teach as an adjunct instructor at Phoenix College while caring for her young family. Lisa returned to full-time teaching here at GCC in 2019. Since then, she has taught ENG 101 and ENG 102 (in-person, online, and hybrid modalities) as well as a writing lab offering scaffolded support to first-year composition students. She served as a Developmental Education lead in the Student Success and Completion from 2021 to 2023, and is stepping into the role of Co-Faculty Director for GCC’s Center for Teaching, Learning, and Engagement in the fall of 2024. Lisa is passionate about exploring engaging teaching strategies in her own classroom and sharing new strategies to foster student success with her colleagues. Lisa is also passionate about nurturing a strong sense of community on the GCC campus.

Meghan Moran is an Associate Teaching Professor in the University Writing Program at Northern Arizona University. She primarily teaches ENG105: Critical Reading and Writing in the University. She also works on curriculum development and mentors GTAs. Trained in Applied Linguistics, her research focuses on L2 intelligibility and accent perceptions.
2023 Fellows
Alisa Cooper has been a full-time English professor at Glendale Community College for the past 15 years, where she teaches hybrid and online freshman composition, journalism, and literature courses. She spent 11 years full-time at SMCC prior to GCC. Alisa currently serves as eCourses Faculty Lead for the college and heads the campus eCourses committee. She previously served a 4-year term as the Faculty Director of the Center for Teaching, Learning and Engagement from Fall 2014 to Spring 2018. Prior to serving in the CTLE, Alisa served as an assistant chair/eCourses coordinator for the English Department and also served on a district committee where she helped guide leadership in open educational resources. She served as tri-chair for the Maricopa Millions Steering team, an OER district project where the goal was to save Maricopa Community College students $5 Million over 5 Years by radically decreasing student costs by offering low-cost or no-cost options for course materials. This is Alisa’s 33rd year teaching, and she’s still loving it.

Megan Long currently teaches First-Year Composition at Glendale Community College. She primarily teaches ENG101LL and ENG 102 where she specializes in working with a diverse community of L1 and L2 learners. In addition to being the best adjunct the world has ever seen, she devotes her time to research and curriculum development centered around helping students achieve critical media literacy knowledge.
Jaime F. Mejia Mayorga is an educator, researcher, and English language teacher from Honduras. His research privileges Indigenous ways and Indigenous knowledge and explores the intersection of Indigeneity and English Language Teaching. His expertise intersects multilingual, multicultural, and international education. His expertise also includes teacher education and faculty support as well as curriculum, instructional, and learning design to support students’ success and well-being. In addition to honoring his Indigeneity as Indigenous Chorotega and his experiences as someone who comes from Honduras, Dr. Mejia Mayorga’s academic work privileges a relational paradigm to research, service, and teaching as well as the experiences of English language learners and teachers in moving upward towards social, economic, and academic mobility.

Robyn Ferret has been teaching Composition, Literature, and Cultural Studies at Cascadia College since its inception in 2000, as a tenured faculty member since 2010. She has served the campus in roles from English Department and Tenure Review Committee Chair to campus arts magazine advisor and social justice teach-in coordinator. She is currently on a mission to foster data-informed, decolonized, accessible course design across the curriculum and more inclusive touchpoints across the institution.
Natalie Serianni teaches pre-college and composition courses at Cascadia College, where she’s a senior faculty and Guided Pathways co-lead. Her research interests include antiracist writing assessment and practices, writing process, and corpus analysis, as it connects to diagnostic assessments, curriculum alignment and academic support at the two-year college. She has studied at the Dartmouth Summer Seminar for Composition Research and has been teaching for over twenty years.

Olayemi Awotayo is a doctoral student in the Rhetoric and Writing Program in the English department at Virginia Tech. He received a bachelor’s degree in English Language at the University of Lagos. He later obtained a master’s degree in Rhetoric, Theory, and Culture at Michigan Tech, where he wrote a thesis that deploys critical discourse analysis for analyzing political campaign rhetoric in Nigeria. His current research interests include displacement and migration rhetorics; public rhetorics. Since beginning his master’s degree program, he has been teaching first-year writing and hopes to further develop his approach to teaching the course using corpus linguistics.

Dr. Madelyn Pawlowski is Assistant Professor of English and the Director of Composition at Northern Michigan University. Her research examines the role of teachers’ critical language awareness in supporting L1 and L2 writers in the college classroom. Her research informs her teaching and administrative practices, helping her to develop and enact linguistically aware genre pedagogies and accompanying models for teacher development and graduate education. Dr. Pawlowski’s recent work can be found in Composition Forum and Writing Spaces.

Margaret Poncin Reeves is a Senior Lecturer at DePaul University, where she teaches first-year writing, professional writing, and courses for multilingual students. Her research interests include learning transfer, multilingual and multimodal pedagogy, teaching with technology, and rhetorical genre theory. Outside of work, she enjoys anything related to food: trying new restaurants, watching baking videos, and cooking with her family.

Modupe Yusuf is a PhD candidate and graduate teaching instructor in the Rhetoric, Theory and Culture program at Michigan Technological University. Her research focuses on the rhetoric of health and medicine and technology. Her teaching portfolio includes first-year composition, technical communication, and introductory linguistics. She’s currently exploring a corpus-driven approach to supporting students’ learning in the writing classroom.