On behalf of the Crow team, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of our graduates, who accomplished so much in this year that was so challenging. Six Crowbirds earned degrees from the University of Arizona:
Anh Dang graduated with an MA in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) in May 2021. She will continue at Arizona as a PhD Student in Second Language Acquisition & Teaching (SLAT), with an assistantship in the UA Foundations Writing Program.
Hannah Gill graduated with a double major in Philosophy, Politics, Economics and Law (PPEL) and English in May 2021. She completed an honors thesis, “English Language Learners within the Classroom: Improving K-12 Policy and Enhancing Curriculum Through Corpus Based Instruction.” In Fall 2021, she will begin a Master of Social Work (MSW) in the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University.
Jhonatan Henao-Muñoz earned an M.A. in Hispanic Linguistics, (Winter, 2020), an M.A. in French Linguistics and Second Language Teaching & Learning (Spring 2021), and a Graduate Certificate in Technology in Second Language Teaching (Spring 2021). He has accepted a position as Instructor of French at the University of Arizona.
Alantis Houpt graduated with a degree in English, and a Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) certification from the Center for English as a Second Language (CESL), in December 2020.
Dr. Aleksey Novikov earned a PhD in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching in May 2021, defending his dissertation “Syntactic and Morphological Complexity Measures as Markers of L2 Development in Russian” on May 7.
Dr. Emily Palese also earned a PhD in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching in May 2021, defending her dissertation “Prompting Students to Write: Designing and Using Second Language Writing Assignment Prompts” on May 19.
Kevin Sanchez graduated with a double major in English and Creative Writing in May 2021. He’s finishing up his TEFL certificate and getting ready to teach English abroad.
Our best wishes to Anh, Hannah, Jhonatan, Atlantis, Aleksey, Emily, and Kevin! We look forward to seeing your next moves. Next week, we will have more to say about the individual accomplishments of everyone on the Crow team.