Constructive distributed work at NCSU

The Crow team is glad to be presenting at the NC State University Equity Research Symposium on Tuesday, February 8. Crow researcher Dr. Michelle McMullin, assistant professor of English at NC State, will be joined by Crow co-PIs Dr. Hadi Banat (U of Massachusetts, Boston) and Dr. Aleksandra Swatek (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland).

We’ll be presenting “Constructive Distributed Work: How Crow builds ethics, equity and access in research teams,” which introduces our team and our corpus and repository platform, describes the “Constructive Distributed Work” heuristic we use to guide mentoring and professional development on our team, and shows how user experience design helps us design more sustainable, ethically robust tools for teaching and research.

If you’re in Raleigh, our talk will be in Talley 4280 from 3:00 to 4:00pm Eastern time on Friday, February 8. NCSU will be live-streaming as well. (Find this time in your time zone.)

One response to “Constructive distributed work at NCSU”

  1. […] (NCSU), was reappointed after a successful third year pre-tenure review. She presented at the NCSU Equity Symposium alongside Hadi Banat and Aleksandra Swatek. Michelle would like to thank the CDW team for their […]