Good news roundup! APPLAWS 21–22 Academic Year

The Crow team has been busy this past year! Between graduations, winning grants, publications, and personal projects, Crowbirds have generated a significant list of accomplishments and have lots of mentors to thank. We’ve already shared news of our four graduating Crowbirds—Ryan Day, Ji-young Shin, Ali Yaylali, and Larissa Goulart.

Continuing on to other Crowbirds around the world, please join us in congratulating and recognizing the following individuals for their work during the 2021-2022 academic year. We do lots of collaborative work, so we’ve listed our 23 publications and 18 presentations at the end of this post.

Hadi Banat, a Crowbird at UMass Boston, was invited to facilitate a paid workshop for Farnham Writers’ Center tutors in training at Colby College this past year. He utilized the conflict resolution framework in his most recent publication in Praxis Journal to mentor tutors on how to identify and resolve conflicts which could come up in tutoring sessions. Hadi also participated in a year-long Junior Faculty Research Seminar at UMass Boston which mentors faculty from across campus on tenure requirements and builds a sense of community among junior faculty on the tenure track. He would like to thank Dr. Michelle McMullin for leading the Constructive Distributed Work team through another manuscript project which is bringing more visibility to Crow within a new discourse community, technical communication. 

Mariana Centanin Bertho from the University of Arizona received the 2022 Research Award by National Federation of Modern Languages Teachers Associations and National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, the SLAT Linda Waugh Research Award, and the Graduate and Professional Student Council GPSC Research and Project Grant in April 2022. She will use the funding for participants’ compensation and transcription services to collect and process spoken data for MACAWS. Mariana also defended her dissertation proposal, “Oral development in L3 Portuguese by English-Spanish bilinguals,” on April 25, 2022. She would like to recognize Dr. Bruna Sommer-Farias and Dr. Shelley Staples for being wonderful mentors by providing valuable feedback and encouraging Mariana with grant writing and co-authorship of potential papers and presentations.

Jianfen Chen took on the role of graduate instructor of professional writing at Purdue University this academic year. She was awarded a seed grant from CILMAR, the Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment and Research of Purdue University, and both the Crouse Emergent Scholars Award from the Professional Writing Program and the Professional Writing Award for Exceptional Instruction from the English Department of Purdue University. Jianfen received a Graduate Fellowship from Purdue’s Graduate School Mentoring Graduate Student Fellow Program and the CCCC Scholars for the Dream award. 

Jianfen also defended the prospectus for her dissertation, “Who Can We Listen to Amid the Risks and Uncertainties of COVID-19?” in December 2021. She was invited to share this research with the STC student chapter at Texas Tech University. Jianfen writes, “Dr. Bradley Dilger has always been a valuable resource to me and has helped me by offering insightful feedback on my dissertation prospectus and serving on my dissertation committee.”

Bradley Dilger at Purdue University is excited that the Purdue ‘birds won a Covid–19 disruption grant, which allowed several undergraduate researchers to join the Crow team, and a HWW seed grant in the 2021-2022 academic year. Bradley is also celebrating his promotion to Professor at Purdue University. Throughout the year, Bradley chaired three doctoral committees, served on seven more, and directed three undergraduate research projects, too. He would like to mention that the appointment of Aleksandra Swatek and Hadi Banat to the leadership team has been a great addition to Crow.

Anuj Gupta at the University of Arizona was selected as the DS2F Fellow (Digital Scholarship and Data Science Fellow) by the University of Arizona Library in 2022. This carries an honorarium of $1,500, mentorship to develop data science skills, and an opportunity to curate a workshop to help bolster data science efforts in the humanities and social sciences. Anuj also won the Tilly Warnock Award from the University of Arizona’s Writing Program which provides him with summer funding for $3,500 to analyze data from his project on graduate students’ academic writing anxiety. 

He would like to thank both Shelley Staples and Bradley Dilger for being excellent and kind advisors in his first semester working with Crow. Anuj also would like to note he has benefited from observing Aleksandra Swatek and Mark Fullmer and reading research proposals written by Nina Conrad, Hui Wang, and Emily Palese. Anuj has had an eventful year: he got Covid, broke his femur bone, survived a shooting at a hotel that killed one person and injured three people—all during Spring 2022—and still initiated his first ever large scale data collection and analysis! Talk about resilience.

Ge Lan at the City University of Hong Kong received the CityU Start-up Grant in December 2021. Ge also turned in an application for the General Research Fund which is a prestigious grant in Hong Kong. 

Michelle McMullin at North Carolina State University (NCSU), was reappointed after a successful third year pre-tenure review. She presented at the NCSU Equity Symposium alongside Hadi Banat and Aleksandra Swatek. Michelle would like to thank the CDW team for their work on the upcoming infrastructure article that will be published in CDQ in October 2022 and recognize Ola and Hadi for their work on the equity symposium presentation.

Adriana Picoral, University of Arizona has won a Public Interest Technology University Network (PIT-UN) grant for $90,000. Her project focuses on spreading awareness of data science both in its academic possibilities and career paths by working to educate individuals about the field and support a diverse array of students.

Anna Shura was a published author of multiple poems in Purdue’s literary magazine The Bell Tower where she also served as editor. She was president of the Purdue Professional Writing Association and is looking forward to taking on the additional role of Vice President of the Student English Association in the fall. Anna will be an intern for Goodheart-Willcox Publishers in summer 2022, and she would like to thank Dr. Dilger for his support and encouragement during her first year working for Crow.

Shelley Staples at University of Arizona would like to highlight Dr. Randi Reppen, who has been her mentor since 2009, for helping her prepare a book proposal this year. Dr. Staples published numerous articles and gave several invited talks and conference presentations. 

Aleksandra Swatek at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland would like to recognize the welcoming atmosphere in the Crow’s Constructive Distributed Work team which she has joined in Spring 2022, as well as thank for the opportunity to join the Crow leadership team. She would also like to thank Dr. Dilger and Dr. Staples for the support and advice in navigating her early-career scholar career trajectory. 

Shelton Weech from Purdue University conducted workshops and wrote and produced videos on data visualization and rhetoric for Krannert School of Management, Purdue University. He also won the Crouse Emergent Scholar Award. Shelton would like to thank Bradley Dilger, Michelle McMullin, and Hadi Banat for their encouragement, advice, and mentorship as he enters the final stretch of his PhD.

Publications & invited talks

  1. Banat, H. (2022). Crossing through borderlines of identification and non-identification: Transforming writing center faculty response to faculty outreach workshops. Praxis Journal, 19(1).
  2. Banat, H., Sims, R., Tran, P., Panahi, P., & Dilger, B. (2022). Developing intercultural competence through a linked course model curriculum: Mainstream and L2-specific first-year writing. TESOL Journal, 13(1), 1–16.
  3. Biber, D., Gray, B., Staples, S., & Egbert, J. (2022). The register-functional approach to grammatical complexity: Theoretical foundation, descriptive research findings, and applications. Routledge.
  4. Dang, A., Conrad, N., & Staples, S. (2022, February). Adapting corpus-based materials for online teaching in L2 writing courses. SLW news: The newsletter of the second language writing interest section (TESOL).
  5. Dilger, B., Dryer, D., Bazerman, C., Anson, C., & Lerner, N. (2021). Conclusion. In K. Blewett, T. Donahue, & C. Monroe (Eds), The expanding universe of writing studies: Higher education writing research (pp. 417–420). Writing and Rhetoric Series. Peter Lang.
  6. Ginosian, K., & Gupta, A. (2022). Digital Reading in the FYC Classroom, WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 29. WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies. 
  7. Gupta, A. (2021). Emotions in academic writing/care-work in academia: Notes towards a repositioning of academic labor in India (& beyond). Academic Labour: Research and Artistry, 5, 107–136.
  8. Gupta, A., & Dasgupta, A. (2021). Something of our own to say: Writing pedagogy in India. Composition Studies, 49(3), 139–144.
  9. Huensch, A., & Staples, S. (2022). Spoken corpora. In T. Derwing, M. Munro, & R. Thompson (Eds.), Handbook of SLA and L2 Speaking (pp. 112–129). Routledge. 
  10. Lan, G., Zhang, Q., Lucas, K., Sun, Y., & Gao, J. (2022). A corpus-based investigation on noun phrase complexity in L1 and L2 English writing. English for Specific Purposes, 67, 4–17. 
  11. McMullin, M., Banat, H., Weech, S., & Dilger, B. (2021). Using iterative persona development to support assessment and research. Proceedings of the 39th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication (ACM SIGDOC 2021). Article 29, 1–8.
  12. McMullin, M., & Dilger, B. (2021). Constructive distributed work: An approach to sustainable collaboration and research for distributed teams. Journal of Business & Technical Communication, 35(4). 469–495.
  13. Pandey, S., & Chen, J. (2021). Is Facebook easier to use than WeChat? A critical comparative analysis of interface features of WeChat and Facebook. In Proceedings of The 39th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication (ACM SIGDOC 2021). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 213–223.
  14. Rodríguez-Fuentes, R. A., & Swatek, A. (2021). Exploring the effect of corpus-informed and conventional homework materials on fostering EFL students’ grammatical construction learning. System, 104, 102676.
  15. Shin, J. (2022). Investigating and optimizing score dependability of a local ITA speaking test across language groups: A generalizability theory approach. Language Testing, 39(2), 313–337. 
  16. Shin, J., Rodríguez-Fuentes, R. A., Swatek, A., & Ginther, A. (2022). Aptis test review. Language Testing, 39(1), 172–187. 
  17. Staples, S., Dilger, B., Novikov, A., Reppen, R., Picoral, A., Fullmer, M., Wang, H., Wang, Y., Gill, H., & Sanchez, K. (2021). Corpus In A Box: Automated Tools, Tutorials, & Advising: CIABATTA [Web-based corpus building toolkit].
  18. Staples, S., Picoral, A., Novikov, A., & Sommer-Farias, B. (2022). Directions for future use of existing corpora in the study of L2 writing. In C. Polio & R. Manchon (Eds.), Handbook of SLA and Writing (pp. 356-369). Routledge.
  19. Staples, S. (2021, December). Enhancing pedagogy with data-driven learning: Student writing as the site and source for instructional change. Invited talk for the Center for University Education Scholarship (CUES) at University of Arizona (hybrid). 
  20. Staples, S. (2021, November). Introduction to corpus linguistics for English language teaching [Invited talk, online]. Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, East Java, Indonesia.
  21. Staples, S. (2022, April). Using learner corpora and data driven learning for second language writing: A report from the Corpus and Repository of Writing (Crow) project [Invited talk]. English Applied Linguistics Speaker Series, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
  22. Sun, Y., & Lan, G. (2021). Research trends in ‘trans-’ studies on writing: A bibliometric analysis. System, 103, [102640].
  23. Swatek, A., Taskin, Z. & N.C. Jackson. (2022). Revisiting “Family Matters”: How Citation Patterns in the Journal of Second Language Writing Reveal the Changing Nature of the Second Language Writing Field and the Decreasing Role of Composition & Rhetoric in IT. Journal of Writing Analytics, 6(1), 145–165.

Conference presentations & workshops

  1. Banat, H. (2022, April). Identity, writing centers, and conflict resolution [Workshop, online]. Farnham’s Writing Center, Colby College, Waterville, ME, USA.
  2. Castek, J., Dupuy, B., Hellmich, E., MacKay, K., & Staples, S. (2021, September). CERCLL Resources [Panel presentation, online]. Arizona Language Association (AZLA).
  3. Chen, J. (2021, October). A case study on public affects circulating in Hong Kong 2019 chaos via YouTube videos [Poster presentation for Student Research Competition]. The 39th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication (ACM SIGDOC 2021), Tempe, AZ, USA. 
  4. Chen, J. (2022, April). Teaching business writing students to conduct market research using data analytics tools [Paper presentation, online]. SpeedCon 2022, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA.
  5. Chen, J., & Smith, J. (2021, October). “Public Relations Media Kit (PRMK)”: A collaborative project in professional writing [Paper presentation, online]. Association for Business Communication 2021 Annual International Conference. 
  6. Chen, J., Tang, Y., Zhang, J., & Xie, C. (2022, March). A case study on teaching experiences and practices of Chinese graduate instructors of writing at four American institutions [Panel presentation, online]. 2022 Conference on College Composition and Communication. 
  7. Gupta, A. (2022, January). In pursuit of Academic Writing Anxiety (AWA): Reflections on research design(s) [Paper presentation]. Conference on Writing and Well Being, University of Arizona, AZ, USA.
  8. Gupta, A., Dang, A., & Rodrigo, R.L. (2022, January). Technology, reading, and strategies to reduce anxiety [Panel presentation]. Conference on Writing and Well Being, University of Arizona, AZ, USA.
  9. McMullin, M., Swatek, A., & Banat, H. (2022, February). Constructive Distributed Work: Building ethics, equity, and access in research teams [Panel presentation]. NCSU Equity Research Symposium. Raleigh, NC, USA.
  10. Sommer-Farias, B., Centanin-Bertho, M., Vinokurova, V., & Staples, S. (2021, November). How to teach writing with learner corpus data [Paper presentation, online]. American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). 
  11. Staples, S. (2021, September). Introduction to Crow for Microcampus faculty [Outreach workshop, online]. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA.
  12. Staples, S., & Ghanam, R. (2022, February). Spoken corpora: Considerations and tools for corpus analysis of speech data [Invited talk, online]. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, USA.
  13. Weech, S. (2021, October). Inherently organizational: Speech acts, organizations, and mission statements [Paper presentation, online]. Association for Business Communication Conference.
  14. Weech, S. (2022, March). Snowballs and interviews: A mixed methods approach for online research [Paper presentation, online]. Conference on College Composition and Communication.
  15. Yaylali, A. (2022, April). Adolescent ELs’ developing awareness of secondary scientific writing. [Roundtable presentation]. AERA Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.
  16. Yaylali, A. (2022, March). How ELs negotiate the linguistic demands in scientific writing. [Paper presentation]. TESOL Convention, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
  17. Yan, X., Staples, S., Centanin-Bertho, M., & Chuang, P. L. (2022, March). Exploring linguistic correlates of speaking ability on the IELTS speaking test [Paper presentation]. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
  18. Yan, X., Staples, S., Centanin-Bertho, M., Chuang, P. L., Cai, H., Jang, S., & Wang, S. (2022, March). Exploring linguistic correlates of speaking ability on the IELTS speaking test [Paper presentation]. Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC).