Category: News


Introducing CIABATTA

The Crow team is thrilled to announce the release of Corpus in a Box: Automated Tools, Tutorials, & Advising (CIABATTA).…

ByShelley StaplesNov 30, 2021

AZTESOL 2021 Workshop

On October 23rd, 2021, Arizona Crow researchers Anh Dang, Hui Wang, and Ali Yaylali hosted an online workshop at the…

ByHui WangNov 22, 2021

Hiring undergraduate researchers at Purdue

Grant funding will allow us to hire four undergraduate researchers for AY21–22: processing data, completing user experience research, and updating…

ByBradley DilgerOct 21, 2021

Iterative, inclusive persona development @ SIGDOC 2021

Crow’s distributed work team presents “Using iterative persona development to support inclusive research and assessment” at SIGDOC 2021: Michelle McMullin,…

ByMichelle McMullinSep 20, 2021

Announcing our inaugural Crow Fellows

Announcing our first cohort of Crow Fellows! Olayemi Awotayo (Virginia Tech); Dr. Madelyn Pawlowski (Northern Michigan); Margaret Poncin Reeves (DePaul);…

ByCrow TeamJul 1, 2021

Congratulations, Crow graduates!

Crow PI Dr. Shelley Staples congratulates the seven Crowbirds who earned degrees from the University of Arizona in Fall 2020…

ByShelley StaplesJun 17, 2021

Visualizing software dependencies

The web interface for Crow, the corpus and repository of writing, depends on a complex amalgam of interdependent bits of…

ByMark FullmerJun 14, 2021

Seed grants and summer work aplenty!

Crow was recently awarded a seed grant from Purdue’s College of Liberal Arts that will provide funding for summer work…

ByShelton WeechJun 5, 2021

Crow workshop series: Quantitative Language Data Analysis and Visualization in R

Building on the success of her previous Crow workshops engaging the R environment, Dr. Adriana Picoral will host “Quantitative Language…

ByCrow TeamApr 6, 2021

Recent good news

Rounding up recent good news: Nina Conrad wins a Bilinski fellowship; a successful grant workshop; Adriana Picoral wins a mini-grant;…

ByCrow TeamApr 5, 2021

We Stand with Asian Americans, Asians, and Pacific Islanders

The Crow team condemns recent anti-Asian and gender-based violence. Please join us in supporting our Asian and AAPI friends and…

ByCrow TeamMar 22, 2021

Crow workshop series: Grant writing, Before you start “writing”

The Crow workshop series continues!  Fellowship and Grant Writing for PhD Students & Early Career Scholars, Part I: Before You…

ByCrow TeamMar 8, 2021
News – Page 4 – Crow